Natural or home remedies?!


Natural or home remedies?

i am sick with serious chest congestion, when i cough its a little painful in my back and chest. i am a smoker but havent been doing that since i been sick. i am not a fan of the doctors office, nor the emergency room. i can't see spending all that money for them to tell you to drink fluids and take medicine. so i felt i would ask. i have been taking mucinex to loosen my congestion but are there any home remedies that can soothe the discomfort?


Fennel is useful to relieve abdominal cramps and flatulence, and to get rid of mucus... Oil of fennel relieves muscular or rheumatic pains Adele Dawson
The pytochemical marrubin helps break up congestion. Two other chemicals, diosmin and ursolic acid relieve inflammation. Hyssop is our best source of diosin, which protects capillaries and eases tissue swelling.
Colt's Foot
Coltsfoot's active ingredients help break up mucus and expel it from your system. Coltsfoot hinders the body's production of an inflammatory protein, which narrows the air passages and prompts asthma attacks. James Duke
Colt's Foot
You will notice by reading the characteristics of coltsfoot that it is both emollient and expectorant. It will soothe the tissues of the throat as well as cause phlegm to be expelled.
Elecampane, notably the phytochemical inulin, is a pretty good expectorant assisting in breaking up bronchial congestion. Inulin also aids in maintaining a good balance of intestinal bacteria
Thyme has primarily been used for digestive and respiratory ailments. In respiratory conditions thyme is antisepic and a bronchodilator and expectorates mucus from the lungs. Thyme helps reduce fever by inducing sweat...Thyme has been used to fight tooth infections and toothache.
Inhaling peppermints volatile oils makes you feel as if you can breathe easier, even when airflow is not actually increasing. Drink a cup of mint tea, or use the essential oil in steam inhalation to ease the breath.
The therapeutic powers of anise's phytochemicals, including creosol and alpapinene, are so apparent and well-established that the herb is commonly used in preparations to break up congestion, ease coughing, and relieve gas.
Mullein tones the mucus membranes of the respiratory tract, soothes irritated lungs and speeds healing of damaged tissues
Colt's Foot
Coltsfoot helps soothe inflamed lung tissue, loosen secretions, and tones the lungs.
Cardamom is perhaps the best source of a phytoghemical called cineole, a strong antiseptic that kills the bacteria responsible for bad breath. Cineole also helps break up chest congestion and gives the entire central nervous system a boost.

Quick Tips
After massaging essential oil blends onto your chest, throat or sinus area, cover your neck with a scarf, or your chest with flannel to allow the oils to penetrate deeply.
A drop of essence on a pillowcase at night is helpful to relieve minor congestion.

Helpful Herbs for: Congestion
Angelica * Anise * Bayberry * Camphor * Colt's Foot * Comfrey * Elder * Elecampane * Eyebright * Goldenseal * Hyssop * Juniper * Licorice * Meadowsweet * Mullein * Nettle * Parsley * Peppermint * Pleurisy Root * St. John's Wort * Thyme * Wild Cherry * Yarrow *

Herbal Remedies
Anise Tea

A cup of anise tea will help ease congestion and ease breathing. Pour a cup of boiling water over 1 to 2 teaspoons of crushed aniseeds, steep for 10 minutes and enjoy. Have a cup in the morning and another before sleep.
Anise *
Method: Herbal Teas - Tisanes
Use: Congestion
Chest and Lung congestion
One part boneset, one part yarrow
Two parts mullein, two parts eucalyptus
Prepare as a herbal tea
Boneset * Eucalyptus * Mullein * Yarrow *
Method: Herbal Teas - Tisanes
Use: Congestion
Herbal steam and bath
Steam is an old-fashioned remedy for colds, coughs, and congestion. When herbal steams are inhaled, antisepic, decongestant, airway-relaxing herbal ingredients get right where they are needed.
3 tablespoons eucaluptus leaves
2 tablespoons thyme leaves
1 tablespoon rosemary leaves
1 tablespoon peppermint leaves.
Bring 4 cups of water to a boil in a large sausepan. Remove from heat and add the herbs. Carefully pour the water into a heat resistant bowl, place a towel over your head, and inhale steam. After you are finished, strain the herbs and place the solution in into the bath to get all the remaining essence.
Rosemary * Eucalyptus * Thyme * Peppermint *
Method: Herbal Bath

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