Vegans, naturepaths, alternaitve health care professionals UNITE!?!


Vegans, naturepaths, alternaitve health care professionals UNITE!?

The US FDA is at it again. They have been notorious for decades for their biased attacks and uneven handling of natural, non-drug/surgery/radiation based health options. This time, though, they are playing for keeps.

The goal is simple: through a "Guidance" about the regulation of "CAM" (which they conveniently define as "Complementary and Alternative MEDICINE" the FDA hopes to serve the interests of Big Pharma by eliminating all CAM practices and products. ALL of them. Even vitamins will be illegal!
Here is what you need to do NOW if you value your freedom:
1. Click on the link below and add your name to the letter. When you click "Send" it will be electronically delivered to the FDA docket site and posted.
2. Write a brief note and including this link , , and mail it to every one you can. In your email please. If you don't think this is serious read this

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3 months ago
only one of you has a brain? wow. why am I not shocked by this?


It is clear that the health field is now big business. Of course they want to get rid of alternative medicine. They want to keep us sick by prescribing us overpriced drugs for illnesses that have yet to be diagnosed.

Sometimes I think the people of the world are scammers....

People, its time to take care of yourselves. Think naturally!

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