Can anyone tell me the benefits of taking noni juice?!


Can anyone tell me the benefits of taking noni juice?

I have heard of people selling it but what does it REALLY do? Is it beneficial as a dietary supplement. Does it improve skin, ward off colds, make your hair grow..... anything ?I want to hear about actual results from use from someone who is not trying to sell me a 40.00 bottle.


Noni juice, like Mangosteen (Xango) are good products but understand something... they are not the "cure" for everything. What all products like that really come down to is their antioxidant properties. The only real difference between any of them (and as a chiropractor, I've seen them all!), is the fact that those who usually praise them heavily are distributors of the products. Don't get me wrong, you can not go wrong by taking them. But do understand that none of them are really any better than the others. The reason you hear people say that it is the best thing they've ever found is that they've spent the $30-40 per bottle and WANT to believe it was justified.
They are all just extremely good antioxidants - nothing more, nothing less. If you want more info, contact me at I promise I will not sell you anything. I just want to make sure you understand the concept of these types of products.
I know I will probably catch some flack from all those distributors of these products, but if they would like to compare credentials, I have no problem with that.

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