Gallbladder-Please Help?!


Gallbladder-Please Help?

Is it true that if you get your gallbladder removed you'll gain lots of weight?

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2 months ago
I was sitting and as soon as I tried to stand up I doubled over with severe sharp pains...(on a scale of one to 10 it was by far a 10)
I went to the drs. and they said it was most likely gallbladder... they'll be running tests soon.
I know there's a history of it in my family. My grandma, aunt, and my mother have all had it removed...but they've all reacted differently to it. And I was talking to my boyfriend...and he said he had heard that if it was removed you gain a lot of weight.
The dr. said to me tonight for the next little bit I'm suppose to be eating basically little to no fat. Which is fine by me. I generally adovid fatty foods to begin with.


I've never heard that, but I do know that if you get your gallbladder removed, you have to make sure you ingest only a small amount of fats, as your gallbladder stores bile, the substance that breaks down fat. If you eat too much fat with no gallbladder, then you will end up throwing up.

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