How long does oxycodone stay in your urine?!


How long does oxycodone stay in your urine?


The length of time any drug (illicit or prescribed) stays in your system will vary. In large part, it depends on your physiological makeup (e.g., your physical height, weight, your amount of body fat, your age, current state of health, whether or not you exercise mildly-aggressively-or at all). Whether or not you are undergoing any degree of stress (i.e., your "state of mind") at the time you ingest drugs can play a part as well.

Still other considerations include your "frequency" of use (1x per day? 3-5x per day?), the "quantity" of drug you used each time, and the "length of time" (days? weeks? months?) of your consistent drug-use prior to your drug test. Even the quality ("potency") of the drug you ingest determines "how long" the drug is detectable in your system when your urine is analyzed (tested) at the lab.

However, for most people, detectable levels (i.e., shows up as a "positive" in a laboratory drug test) of the following drugs stay in the body for these approximate periods of time.Oxycodone (OxyContin, Percolone, Roxicodone), 1-2 days

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