Rogaine, facial hair?!


Rogaine, facial hair?

will it work, is it dangerous.


Hi Lee H.
Rogaine is also sometimes known as Topical Minoxidil. It came from a different type of medication that was used to treat high blood pressure. While treating high blood pressure, researchers noticed that Minoxidil had the effect of producing extra hair growth. From this point, researchers began to look into how the Minoxidil affected hair growth and separated out the specific supplements that helped to treat the symptoms. Finally, the FDA approved this hair loss product, stating that it is effective with not as many side effects.

Rogaine is most effective in treating hair loss that occurs at the top of the head for both men and women. It is known to do this as a stimulant that helps to promote hair growth. This is done through external use, as the solution is applied to the head where there is loss of hair at least twice a day. This can also be used as a spray and will begin to affect hair growth in the particular areas after four to six months of use. However, if you do not see marked improvement after this time, then Rogaine as a hair loss product is not effective for you at all.

Before deciding to use Rogaine, you should check with a physician to make sure that the side effects will not be detrimental. The ingredient Minoxidil is known to cause allergic reactions in some people. It can also react with other drugs and medications that you are on at the same time. If you are pregnant, you should refrain from using Rogaine as a hair loss product. There have been reports of serious diseases that you have had in the past reacting once again after you take the medication. So be sure to clear this with your physician.
Jason Homan

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