does anyone know any natural or herbal remedies for severe joint pain in the kne!

Question: Does anyone know any natural or herbal remedies for severe joint pain in the knee?
i have had multiple surgeries on both knees im pretty sure im on the border of arthritis and with the weather changes for winter my knees are killing me any one?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

What Causes Arthritis Knee pain?

In one word - Inflammation. Osteoarthritis of the knee is a wear-and-tear condition that occurs when the cartilage in your knee deteriorates with use and age. The breakdown of cartilage causes the bones under it to rub together. The result is inflammation, swelling and pain. If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis of the knee- inflammation is caused by the body attacking its own joints.

2 Simple Steps to Stop Arthritis Knee Pain

All forms of arthritis knee pain have one thing in common - Inflammation. To achieve fast and dramatic knee pain relief - you must fight and reduce the inflammation in your knee. As always, the best way to achieve this goal is through natural methods - without addictive medication or surgery.

Step 1 - Stay Active!

Keeping active and losing weight (only if you are overweight of course) are the best ways to prevent and fight arthritis knee pain. We all know that losing weight is not so simple and doesn't happen over night, so let's focus on physical activity that can be started today and even right now.

If you have knee arthritis, the more you walk the more the knee will hurt. In time, running, playing golf or tennis and eventually even walking - may become impossible. But - cutting down on activities will not slow down arthritis and will actually worsen your knee pain in the long term. You must stay as active as your pain will comfortably allow. Take a walk every day, as much as you can bear. This will reduce the stiffness and strengthen the muscles around your knee - allowing them to properly support the knee joint. Stop only when you feel the pain is too much and only then. Do this every day and you will feel the results in a few days.

Step 2 - Fight the Inflammation!

There are natural ways to eliminates arthritic knee pain by reducing joint and cartilage inflammation. The most recommended one a combination of enzymes and herbs that fight the inflammation effectively and fast.

Enzymes - Proteolytic enzymes are created in your body. These enzymes fight the inflammation and repair damage caused by overuse of your joints and aging. They also clean your blood, break down scar tissue and even fight viruses and bacteria. When you pass the age of 25, your body produces dramatically less amount of these enzymes.

Herbs - Boswelia and Bromelain are herbs that have been clinically proven be highly effective in reducing inflammation and pain.

A combination of these enzymes and herbs are a powerful natural treatment so stop arthritis knee pain.

First thing to do is start with the daily walks - today. Next, you can find out about more aboout systemic enzyme therapy here, hope it helps:…

You need to investigate the various supplements that rebuild cartiledge. Omega 3 fish oils are one of the best natural anti-inflammatories. Using a heating pad on your knees will probably help to some degree.
Type 2 collagen supplements, glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, and a combination of Vitamin C 3000mg, lysine 1000 mg and proline 1000mg in divided doses throughout the day rebuild cartiledge. Devil's claw, turmeric, pycnogenol all help to reduce inflammation and pain.
Homeopathic Ruta 6C is very effective for all knee issues.

- right thoughts : see buddhism : no fear, no worries,.... equanimity

- right food : see supplements : glucosamine, chondroitine, Organic Silicium :
see for a kinesiologist what herbs go best for you, because they are expensive,

- right actions : standing meditation, Feldenkrais, ... , acupuncture, acupressure, ... to focus on the knee energy and to UNDERSTAND the cause (on ever deeper levels).

For severe pain? The best natural treatment is acupuncture and anti-inflammatory herbs. You may also have "Kindey Deficiency" according to Chinese medicine.……

Boswellia seratta, turmeric and ginger may reduce inflammation.
All the above come in both oral and topical form that you can apply on your knee.

Glucosamine and Chondroiten are all the rage for helping joints!!

Acupuncture is your best bet.

Besides Mary Jane .. I don't really know any herbs other then that

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