I might end up doing drugs?!

Question: I might end up doing drugs?
I already smoke pot and drink (occasionally), and ever since I started I have wanted to experiment with other ones, but the weird part i don't understand is, I know they are bad and I should never do them, and I know they would ruin my life and everything, but I have some weird feeling in me that just wants to try so many drugs and try everything even though the rest of me knows how horrible it is..I don't know what to do I actually think I might end up trying it! Help please



Yeah, I always thought I was too smart and too cool to end up being an addict - and yet...I did just that. So, it would appear you have a taste for them - if I were you, I would set them all down, and walk away - even from the people and places you associate with them if you have to - before they get a taste for you. Even if it means being lonely and staying home and watching TV for what seems like a forever, and saying hello to new people and doing what you consider to be lame for a while.

Yeah, they can ruin your life, and the worst part is that they will tell you you are having fun - and it's convincing because for the first part you are...but in the end they take you to hell - - fast.

Lucky enough to have gotten out of that years ago. Buried a lot of freinds who didn't.

Please don't. you will have a messed up life; no future, no future family, no kids, no support from your family could die. Please don't.

Don't, they will ruin your life.

stop doing drug because it has a chemical that makes you do more

stick whit weed!

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