First time smoking weed?!

Question: First time smoking weed?
First time buying weed looking for some help.

How much should I buy at first time? Should I buy a pipe since I probably suck at rolling? If so how much are they? Any good videos to teach u how to roll that you know of? How much should go into one blunt / How much should I expect to buy at once? I hear its cheaper the more you buy.

from what I hear the prices are 10 for a gram
20 for a 2.5
25 for 30 or most of the times 3.5
45 for sets(7grams)
60-80 for half Oz
100-220 for Oz.

Any advice for first time getting high?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

I won't repeat what the other answers said, but here's something that hasn't been said; be certain that you are in a relaxed, happy, normal state of mind before getting high. If you are worried about something, under stress, afraid, agitated or depressed, chances are that you will feel those things even more so when high. Amongst other effects, marijuana tends to magnify your current state of mind. If you're happy and mellow, getting high will be so euphoric it will feel like you are in heaven. If you are angry and manic, getting high might make your evening a living hell.

Read The Hasish Eater, an autobiographical book by Fitz Hugh Ludlow.

An eighth for your first time will get you pretty stoned....I usually roll about 1 gram in a blunt, though most people will say to roll .5 grams, and that will get you feeling pretty good.

A pipe will help you conserve weed much easier, and will give you the flavor of weed instead of the nastyness of most blunts....A corncob pipe will run you back an additional 3-5.00 (lol) aside from the 25 for your eighth.

An eighth will probably last you at least a couple days to a week if you're not a frequent smoker, as a bowlpack or two will get you feeling right about where you want to be.

Make sure that when you buy said substance, that the color is *NOT* brown, and try to get bags that have less stems / seeds....OH and make sure it weighs out correctly, many dealers WILL rip you off.

Just buy an eighth , 3.5 grams.

Just take a small hit to start and wait 15-20 min. to see how you feel, before taking another one.

This site should help.…

Here come the thumbs downs...

You should save your money for something better than weed and drugs. It's not as harmless as you think it is.

DO NOT SMOKE WEED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR CRAZY

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