First time smoking weed?!

Question: First time smoking weed?
So I tried smoking weed for the first time yesterday. The first try was out of a pipe and I was able to get a small amount of smoke in but not a substantial amount. The second try was out of a blunt and is the only time I felt like quite a bit of smoke went in and I coughed after the smoke was already gone and it burned a little. The last try I don't think even went into my lungs. I felt nothing. So I guess I am asking how to get higher faster and what I can do to really get the best high I can. Also, is it possible that I am not able to get high? thanks!


THC affects everyone, it will get you high.
Since its been your first time i can almost guarantee you aren't properly filling your lungs with the smoke.
You will most likely cough so have some water handy.
Inhale and swallow, don't just let it linger in your mouth then exhale
the longer you keep the smoke in your lungs, the more thc you will be exposed to and the higher you may get. But I wouldn't try to hold it long since your lungs aren't used to it, yet.

enjoy :D

You usually won't get high the first few times that you try it. Some people no matter how many times they tried it just don't get the effect, and i am one of those people. I have tried it like at the least 10 times and nothing, so i gave up, i only did it cuz i wanted to see what the big deal was. I would say keep on trying but that is basically your choice if you want to or not, maybe you are one of the few that doesn't get effected by it.

Because your not used to inhaling smoke... When i did it the first time after i took a hit i took a DEEP breath in..... Because first timers dont inhale as much so you dont get high or as high


just try to take longer hit and keep it in for as long as you can ..o yea and when you cough you get higher

Most people don't get high the fitst time they smoke.

Some people don't get high the first time

I think you're doing it wrong...

Keep it simple. Just roll a joint, man.

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