Can any on tell me side effects of Ciprofloxacin drug means Ciplox 500 tablet ?!

Question: Can any on tell me side effects of Ciprofloxacin drug means Ciplox 500 tablet !?
i m regularly taking Ciplox 500 tablets which contains ciprofloxacin drug & without it i cant live ,
please can u tell me in general word wat r different side effects can overcome bcoz of these pills & Is it normal to take regularly or should not be taken!.

Ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic in a group of drugs called fluoroquinolones!. It is used to treat different types of bacterial infections!.

It is very unlikely that you would need ciprofloxacin long term!. Doctors usually only prescribe a short term course; enough to treat the infection and if the infection is not treated with a short course or even with a repeat course then an alternative antibiotic should be given!. Perhaps a culture can be done to see what antibiotic is sensitve, for the bacteria causing the infection!. If you don't have an infection then please don't use it, you'll be fine!. Overuse of antibiotics may cause bacterial resistance to the drug!.

For other side effects please see the source link below!.


Most drug manufacturers have web information on their products!. Alternative medicine is a category where people discuss products that are not pharmaceutically produced drugs, but rather traditionally used plants and animals parts or foods!.
In the US where I live, the dispensing pharmacist has drug information available to all customers for the drugs that they sell them!. Perhaps you could find out this answer from your pharmacist if that is the same where you live!. If not, ask your doctor or the source where you obtain the drug!.
Expert answers on pharmaceuticals are best found with those who work in that field!. While I might not like side effects of drugs, my thoughts about those products are not expert!.
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