FAST cures for sore throat? 10points. PLEASE?!

Question: FAST cures for sore throat!? 10points!. PLEASE!?
I am really tired and my throat doesn't hurt like normally it feels like dry and something big in it!. I am laying down and i took an antibiotic but i have school tomorrow (1stday) and i cant miss it!. Is there anything i can do now and tomorrow morning for tomorrow that will pick me up a little and take away my sore throat!?!?
Any remedies/cures please!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

OK this may not taste too good but this home remedy really works and works well:
Crush a clove of garlic and put in a cup of freshly boiled water!.
Leave it to cool to 'warm'
remove the garlic
squeeze the juice of 1/2 a lemon and add a teaspoon (or 2) of honey
drink (it's better if you hold your nose as you don't taste the garlic as much!.)

If the thought of drinking 'garlic tea' doesn't appeal then leave out the garlic but it is a very powerful, natural antibotic and antisceptic!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Watermelon Frost from the asian grocery store located in a glass case in the front of the store!. Its in a small white container in a small white box and sprays out in a fine mist of powder!.
It is a fine powder, spray it on the back of your throat, do not drink anything (drink fluids before applying), go to sleep and wake up with a healed throat!.

Here is an example of what to look for!.!.!.(link below)Www@Answer-Health@Com

When I have a sore throat I drink some warm water with lemon and honey in it!.
Theres some tablets you can get from the shops too called strepsils!.
Also some Vitamin C usually helps it clear up quicker, but it does have to run its course!.
get well soon!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well all you can really do it drink some hot herbal tea and maybe even get some kava kava tea, that is kind of numbing!. And would be soothing for a sore throat!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

gargle with some Oil of Oregano
gargle with some salt water!.

take some Oil of Oregano internally
take some Olive Leaf Extract (not fast works over long term to keep down future infections)!.

Do the following

Take ginger piece, clean it and add little salt!. Chew it!.
Keep clove in your mouth!.
Gargle with lukewarm saline water!.
Don't drink old water!.


I'm a big fan of Theraflu, but be careful because it can make you drowsy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try gargling salt water!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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