VT massage therapists.........?!

Question: VT massage therapists!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?
How do i become a massage therapist in vt!. I understand there are no regulations for this but i don't know where to find the local law regulations!. Can i just learn and start practicing!?!? Or must i go to school for a certificate!. Please help, i have been searching for months!. Thank you with much appreciation!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Perhaps the two massage trade groups that I am aware of can help you:

ABMP - Association of Body Workers & Massage Professionals

AMTA - American Massage Therapists Association

They can both be accessed online!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Vermont currently does not require any licensing to do massage!. But I am sure that licensing of some sort is not far away as most of the other states require something!. When licensing gets accepted you may have to go back to school to get a certificate or specific training!.

Go to one of the local massage schools and ask to be sure!. They would also probably know what is going on in regards to any future licensing!.

You also need to check to make sure there aren't any local licensing requirements in your city/county!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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