Im having a really bad migrain right now. im out of medicine. what can i do to c!

Question: if heat doesn't make it worse, a hot shower or bath. if heat does make it worse, an ice pack can offer relief. make sure you are in a quiet and dark place, relax, and make sure that you are hydrated (not drinking enough water is a common trigger for migraines). i would also try one cup of tea or coffee, the caffeine can help sometimes. feel better soon, best of luck! p.s. sometimes i take tylenol pm just to make myself fall asleep, when it works it's great!!!

Answers: if heat doesn't make it worse, a hot shower or bath. if heat does make it worse, an ice pack can offer relief. make sure you are in a quiet and dark place, relax, and make sure that you are hydrated (not drinking enough water is a common trigger for migraines). i would also try one cup of tea or coffee, the caffeine can help sometimes. feel better soon, best of luck! p.s. sometimes i take tylenol pm just to make myself fall asleep, when it works it's great!!!

put a heat pack on your head. it will help with the pressure and should make it go away. also go into a room with little light and close your eyes. cause light makes migraines worse.

ice packs or washrag wetted down. lie in a dark room, no noise.

Hey i learned this on Survivor. Take the skin between your eyebrows and yank it. not too hard but after a while your head ache should go away. PS you will be left with red skin for a while. Also you can ice it...Mix 1/2 cup of medical alcholol and 2 cups of water. makes a nice slushy fomula. Oh wait put the mixture in a heavy duty plastic bag. Freeze it for a while.

sleep in a quiet room with no light...thats the only thing that helps mine

dark room, put a cool cloth over your eyes and maybe an ice pack on the base of your neck. Lie down and wait for it to pass, they suck rocks.

Inhale essential oil of lavender, place something cool on your head and something warm on your feet, and lie down in a dark room.

leafy greens and mint or chamomille tea. . if you have some i would take valerian

If you don't drink a lot of coffee try a strong cup of coffee it some times helps

My mother has a history of migraines, and she says using the Netti Pot helps get rid of hers. As well, as using it daily keeps the migraines away.

Do these breathing exercises and the need for migraine medicine will decrease over a few months and then you will be cured of migraine.
Build up your timing gradually.If you feel tired or dizzy, stop and resume after 1 minute.
Kapalbhati -(Do it before eating) Push air forcefully out through the nose about once per second. Stomach will itself go in(contract in). The breathing in(through the nose) will happen automatically. Establish a rhythm and do for upto 15 minutes twice a day.(Max 60 min/day) Not for pregnant women. Seriously ill people do it gently.

Anulom Vilom - Close your right nostril with thumb and deep breath-in through left nostril

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