Question About "Meeting Adam"?!

Question: So, I know someone who 'met adam' a couple times on Thursday & Friday. So, yesterday (Sunday) night, he started getting the "S_ _ _ _ _ _ Tuesday" feeling for two hours, but that disappeared. He slept for a lot of hours last night, and today (Monday) he started getting those weird 'fake' blackouts in school that lasted barely half a second, but it was a really crappy feeling, and he feels his whole body trip out for that half second, and feels his heart hurting afterwards. The feeling made his eyes fall weirdly and slowly down to his papers (from looking at the board). He took multivitamins since then, but he gets those trippy times.. He's hoping this will go away soon.

He met Adam driving yellow mitsubishis.. but he met the naked orange ladies a while back, without having these issues at all.

(please look on urbandictionary for the terms.. i.e: adam)
your help would be really useful!!

Answers: So, I know someone who 'met adam' a couple times on Thursday & Friday. So, yesterday (Sunday) night, he started getting the "S_ _ _ _ _ _ Tuesday" feeling for two hours, but that disappeared. He slept for a lot of hours last night, and today (Monday) he started getting those weird 'fake' blackouts in school that lasted barely half a second, but it was a really crappy feeling, and he feels his whole body trip out for that half second, and feels his heart hurting afterwards. The feeling made his eyes fall weirdly and slowly down to his papers (from looking at the board). He took multivitamins since then, but he gets those trippy times.. He's hoping this will go away soon.

He met Adam driving yellow mitsubishis.. but he met the naked orange ladies a while back, without having these issues at all.

(please look on urbandictionary for the terms.. i.e: adam)
your help would be really useful!!

You're talking about amphetamines right?? ohh hun, that's so cr*appy for you ............ take a good quality multi B complex supplement to try and bolster your system against all the stress that sludge has caused it .... the B complex is essential for healthy neural, immune and digestive functioning and is brilliant for combatting stress. Get a multi B complex that includes all the B's ie ~ B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 & folic acid etc... as they work best as a group.

Drinks loads of fresh filtered water to hydrate yourself properly and help your body function smoothly and efficiently and efficiently.

Eat more cold water fishes such as tuna and salmon both rich in essential fatty acids which are brilliant mood levellers and at reducing stress and depression ? Cold water fishes such as tuna and salmon are also rich in magnesium .... magnesium is known as the antistress mineral and is essential for healthy nerve and muscle functioning and of course for heart health...... eat more foods rich in magnesium to reduce the stress on your body too ie ~

leafy and green vegies, wholegrain breads and cereals and cold water fishes such as tuna, salmon, sardines and whiting.

hope i wasn't off the mark and helped you a bit ?

please take care of you and stay away from that sludge



unfortunetly he should have went to meet eve instead.
he may never over come this disability. its his own fault maybe the orange ladies could have prepared him otherwise..

Don't know what the hell your talking about...

Eat foods high in protien for the blackouts.

Don't take XTC.

Good luck,

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