Are there any good alternitives to treating asthma besides Medicines?!

Question: I'm not sure that I have asthma, but whatever I do have has been giving me a lot of trouble. Are there any good (cheap) natural alternatives to asthma medications that can help alleviate some of my symptoms?

Answers: I'm not sure that I have asthma, but whatever I do have has been giving me a lot of trouble. Are there any good (cheap) natural alternatives to asthma medications that can help alleviate some of my symptoms?

I take an herb called Cordyceps (actually, it is a mushroom). I order mine from a place called Natures Sunshine (they are online) and if you are a member I think it is around 20 bucks.

I never thought my asthma was that bad until I tried these. It actually woke me up in the middle of the night because I was able to take a full breath. I took the whole bottle (I take 4 in the am, and only any at night if I've had a rough day) and ran out. I was out for about a week before my shipment came in, and I was desperate for it to show up!! I realised at that time how much of a difference it made.

I am sure there are other companies sell this item, but I trust Nature's products...that is where I obtain all of my stuff. If you go with something else I would recommend seeing a local health food store for advice on a good brand.

I know you wanted something cheap, but you really want quality. I bought some cascara sagrada from Wal mart and it did nothing. It was one third the cost of what it would've cost me from Natures, and I learned my lesson on why cheap herbs are cheap.

depends on what the symptoms are. my kids presented with asthma in the following manner:
coughing a lot at night, coughing up clear mucus,
tightness in chest after running and playing. Wheezy after exposure to dusts, grain dusts, cat dander etc.
You can limit your exposure to things that seem to make things worse. Also look up asthma on a good medical web site like and educate yourself. When things aren't bothering you, get plenty of exercise and fresh air. Asthma is nothing to fool around with, people can die of an acute attack. The feeling of not getting enough air can make you panic and make it worse. After getting a proper diagnosis, then look at alternatives because you don't want to treat something you don't have.

What are you symptoms?

Well hon, I've been an asthmatic since I was born...I've tried everything..but every asthmatic is different..that is why it is so hard to treat..You need to see a specialist for asthma to make sure that is what you do have..but for the mean time use a cool mist humidifier at night and use vicks on your chest and around your temples.. this will help so that you can breathe better at far as herbs.. you need to make sure you are not allergic to them..I've had bad reactions to a few herbs. so you need to be careful with them...hope you start to feel better...

English Ivy (capsules) and a probiotic containing lactobacillus fermentum.

I totally agree, albuterol did nothing but make it worse and make me need an inhaler more often, I don't use it at all anymore. Taking a probiotic once a day made a world of difference in my everyday symptoms.

Many years ago I went with my family to the Easter Shown and while I was there I asked the man on the CSIRO stall why isn't the grass paspalum regarded as a noxious weed? because at certain times of the year, the seeds of this grass become black and have a very sticky substance, and if these sticky seeds come in contact with a persons skin, it sets up an irritation that you want to scratch and then breaks out into a sore that's very hard to heal?
His reply was 'we can't do that because the dairy farmers like this grass because it spreads so quickly and its good fodder for the cows. Question is it possible that this irritant is passed on in the milk?

My cat has asthma, I have allergies, so I ordered a U.V. air purifier on e-bay. I'm still waiting for it to come in, but if it works like they claim it should make a world of difference.

Ashwagandha extracts are very beneficial in resolving the symptoms of Asthma. Also known in English as winter cherry, Ashwagandha is one of the most valuable herbs in the Ayurvedic medical system. Ashwagandha is specific for a wide range of conditions including arthritic inflammation, anxiety, insomnia, respiratory disorders including emphysema, asthma bronchitis and coughs, nervous disorders, gynecological disorders, especially functional female and male infertility and impotence.

Take 10 Gms of Ashwagandha powder daily along with milk for treating asthma.

Hi- I am a raw food chef and I know that eating raw, live foods (which are also anti-inflammatory foods) can help and even cure asthma. has a lot of great information, recipes and other links with testimonies. Hope this helps. My website has some recipes on it as well-

Natural remedies are becoming more and more popular as those who suffer from allergies seek to find products that are safe for their bodies. Traditional medicine taken over a long period of time can cause harmful side effects that do not occur in most natural health products.

Asthma and other allergy sufferers have found that treating ailments with herbal remedies for asthma, has proved to be very beneficial physically and emotionally.

There is a natural remedy for asthma called Biovent asthma remedy. Go here for more information.

When going the alternative medicine route one is often left to research and experiment to find the right products and resources. Here is a new site that is beginning to gather all the resources in one place. You can research conditions for various therapeutic modes, including Ayurvedic medicine, and get information about the effectiveness of therapies and remedies. The site is also a launching point for researching integrated alternative medicine therapies on the web. Go to .

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