How to get rid of a cold the natural way?!

Question: please i need help i need to get rid of this fing headache please help

Answers: please i need help i need to get rid of this fing headache please help

Poor little thing? Got any limes or lemons in the fridge??
Squeeze the juice of half a lime or lemon into a cup of hot water and sip on that ~ add honey to taste as honey also has antiobiotic properties in it?

Then eat the remainder of the lime or lemon (bar the skin of course) ............. the vitamin C content of fresh lemons and limes is very potent and will knock a sore throat and cold / flu within a few days and give you some degree of immediate relief and help you to sleep?

I managed to catch a nasty flu / virus last Thursday and a week later my symptoms have all but disappeared ~ apparently my desire for that tangy lime taste has spared me?

Only thing is, protect the enamel on your pearly whites by rinsing your mouth out with water afterwards?

Eucalyptus oil has long been respected for its ability to lower temperatures and help the respiratory tract by loosening and removing mucus during attacks of bronchitis, coughs, flu, sinusitis and throat infections. Its antiviral and antibacterial action will deter further growth of the bacteria or virus?

Put a capfull of eucalyptus oil into a hot bath and soak in that for 15 - 20 minutes luxuriously inhaling the steamy wonderfull vapours.......... this will help enormously in in loosening congestion and mucus from your chest and respiratory tract .

Put a few drops of eucalyptus oil also onto a hanky and lie it next to your pillow at night to help ease breathing.

Fill a salad bowl with hot water and put 1/2 a capfull of eucalyptus oil into it ~ make a tent with a towel over your head and lean over the bowl and inhale the steamy eucalypt vapours ........... being carefull not to get so close that you burn your face?This will also ease a cough and soothe a congested system?

Caution ~ Do not use eucalyptus oil if you suffer from epilepsy or high blood pressure ....... if either is the case simply substitute with tea tree oil which is also a brilliant antiviral and antibacterial?

Eat more foods rich in vitamin C ~ in particular, limes and lemons, also oranges, strawberries, blueberries, tomatoes, leafy and green vegies, red and green peppers?

Loads of freshly squeezed juices are good too?

Pump up your fresh filtered water intake as the happiest and healthiest body will always be the most hydrated one?

Avoid sugar as bacteria will only multiply and feed on sugar. Also avoid B complex thieves such as caffeine, tea, sodas and soft drinks, alcohol .............. all these things will also do a great job of dehydrating you?

Take a B complex supplement as the B complex of vitamins are essential for healthy neural digestive and immune system functioning?A B complex supplement will also help your body deal with the stress of being ill and to recuperate?

vitamin C will bolster your immunity and help to torch those nasty cold and flu germs?

As far as the headaches go try eating more foods rich vitamin B3 (niacin) ie ~ the white meat of chicken, roasted peanuts, fish, dates, figs and eggs............. a handfull of steamed chicken usually knocks out a nasty headache or migraine for me............ get loads of rest too and let some fresh air into your bedroom for a couple of hours during the day to freshen and ventilate the air?

Good health to you?

be brave and eat the limes hun ~ amazing stuff?


Thanx very much!! Have a nice day buddy..... :0)

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  • Ramanda's Avatar by Ramanda
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  • the old classic get lots of rest and drink plenty of liquids. Juice and water. =] not pepsi!! lol

    The old saying is that a cold lasts seven days if you don't take anything for it and a week if you do.

    Chicken soup and OJ.

    The natural way would just to let it run its course. As for your headache, try turning off all the lights and taking a nap. Or just lay there in the dark for awhile, you don't even have to sleep. That always helps me :)

    An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

    Should of listened. :(

    Consume plenty of water and take vitamins. Vitamin C, Zinc, and other vitamins help strengthen your body's defense (immune system). One thing I know to have a great abundance in vitamins and it tastes great too is the fruit and veggie smoothies and drinks carried by Bolthouse Farms. They're great!!! Another thing, don't kick up your heat too high at home. I know it feels great during the winter but think about it. Warmth incubates viral bacteria, that's why it's so cold in the hospital. But this doesn't mean go outside without a coat either...that would be crazy. Anyway, every since I started drinking this stuff and taking care of me, which was like 3 years ago, I haven't been sick at all. Hope all is well with you!!!
    Get Well Soon &Take Care Of You?

    The best natural remedy I know of for a cold is a hot tonic made with tea, honey, lemon and garlic (yes, garlic). If this doesn't appeal to you. Bake a garlic in a stone crock (preferably unglazed) with the tops cut off and a big pat of butter in the center - until the garlic is soft. You can then eat it with a spoon or spread it on bread.
    If you, or anyone you know has some "Young Living" therapuetic grade essential oils grab some "Thieves" oil. Mix this with some Oregano oil in a caplet and take a couple of the caplets about every 4 to 6 hours until you are feeling better.
    For the headache - get some peppermint oil and place a couple of drops on your temples.
    You might also (very carefully avoiding the eye area) place a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil on the area between the nose and cheek bones just under the crest of the cheekbone . This will help alleviate congestion which quite frequently is the cause of headaches associated with a cold.

    power of natural healing for our life
    just in http://www.naturalholistichealing.blogsp...

    if you have a cold you can eat "pakodas" indian dish of mix maize flour and patatoes and deep fry and eat before it gets cold . and yes you can do meditation also , see treatment of al sorts of illness in

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