What is the best hangover cure - I'm dying need help A.S.A.P?!

Question: LOTS of water, some aspirin, and also Gatorade helps. The worst thing is there is no quick cure, it just takes time for all of the toxins to be flushed out of your body. My sympathies! I've been there .... it sucks!

Answers: LOTS of water, some aspirin, and also Gatorade helps. The worst thing is there is no quick cure, it just takes time for all of the toxins to be flushed out of your body. My sympathies! I've been there .... it sucks!

Loads of water and ice.

I usually go for a good fry up and a can of coke (yes I know they are not very healthy but they always make me feel better!!!)

Have a Berocca.

water, booze, fry-up or milk haha they all work

A nice fry up has been proven to not only make you feel better but lift spirits too.

Oh and drink loads and loads of fluids.

Hope the night was worth it?!

Sleep and lots of it.

A doobie usually helps me.

And bacon.

Don't think about how much you drank - as it will make you feel worse!
Salt and Vinagar crisps always help me! Water - sleep - talking to the people who you went out with about who feels worse - fruit drinks - and vow never to do it again!
Until next time......

A blue slush puppy. Honestly it works wonders

Milk and toast!!!!

Cider vinegar in water...it willl soon settle the excess acids floating about in the your stomach.

Ha for a lovely egg and bacon butty!

fatty food
dont smoke

well, try cold flat coca cola, perhaps one and if that has no effect another, disgusting but it usually works.

Your liver is having a hard time digesting and breaking down the old alcohol, if you top it up with new alcohol you will feel better. but eventually you will have to face the hangover and sober up. I've managed to put off being sober for 10 years so far though.

Lot's of water.

Two solpadeine and a huge glass of Irn Bru, and go back to bed for a couple of hours if you can.

Drink lots of water & try & eat some dry toast!
You have my sympathy!

Two Answers
1) Use the hair of the tail of the dog that bit you
Half a drink of what you were drinking

2) Lie down with a cool rag around head, if it warms up and removes heat from your head, ( brain swelling) repeat until feeling good, then take it easy for an hour

The BEST cure. Egg, bacon, sausage, beans and chips from your favourite greasy spoon cafe. You'll be right as rain after that.


big mac meal frm mcdonalds always does it for me,
or a cup of really hot tea with a big greasy fry - the tea makes me sweat, doesnt feel to good drinking it but i always feel better afterwards.

water... water... water... drink lots and lots of h2o... it works well... a healthy option too versus fried food...

1. Don't drink alcohol in the first place...
2. Water, you need to be drinking about 1 pint an hour to help flush the toxins out of your body, flush your kidneys and re-hydrate yourself.

(note: it can take up to 3days to fully recover from a mild drinking bout)

3. DO NO TAKE PARACETAMOL, you will only be compounding your problem, severely increasing the chances of paracetamol poisoning (which can kill you!).
4. Vitamin C with multivitamins because Alcohol not only strips your blood of blood sugars but also causes you to lose lots of vitamins and minerals that your body needs.

If everyone knew what alcohol does, they wouldn't drink it... when you consider that Henry Ford developed his cars to run on Alcohol, you begin to see a different picture... Basically your drinking fuel...


Avoid drinks like Coke, Coffee and Tea as they all contain Caffeine and Coke contains a very nasty chemical that will prologue the recovery of your brain.

Sleep it off? and lots of water...

Go back in time and this time drink far less, it will also cause less damage to your brain and liver. If you can't manage this take plenty of clear fluids and plenty of calories, you could also try a couple of paracetamol.

just drink wat u drunk to get u like that

Vitamin B12 and if you drink on a regular basis,try taking Milk Thistle tablets from H&B to help look after your liver.Drinking the odd glass of water between drinks really helps me.I know it's a pain but worth it in the morning.It gets worse as you get older worse luck.x

A banana. Yep, really is that easy. The potassium will do wonders for you .

a hangover is really just your body telling you that you are dehydrated so just drink plenty of fluids and you could try taking a tylenol.

A hangover is caused from de-hydration. So hydrate your self, Drink a few glasses of water and two aspirin. If you have any vitamin b12, or somthing with that in it take that, it works great! Feel better!!

Greasy foods/water lots of it..

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